Your mental wellbeing matters.


Stephen Blackburn (me) is Starry Night Psychology and I’m dedicated to three ideals.

Firstly, providing psychological therapy face to face in the Geelong area (Australia). I work with Adults, Families and Children to heal emotional, mental and relationship difficulties.

Secondly, providing good psychological practices to the world.  I do this via a convenient app that you can have in your pocket or in your home.  This app is "PsychStar". Download it now.. its free!

Thirdly, improving the profession of Psychological Therapy. My major effort there is my book; Good Psych - Bad Psych & How to Tell the Difference.

I suggest being engaged with an endorsed and well practiced clinical or counselling psychologist.  Starry Night Psychology materials can’t replace your therapist.  But they do help learn practices shown to improve and sustain mental wellbeing.

Wellbeing:  "The state of being confident, healthy, happy"


Are you confident with few fears?

Can you afford your daily living?


Do your mind and body work well?

Do you have the energy to take on the day?


Are you connected to people who like you?

Do you feel loved?


Have you a sense of purpose?

Are your efforts worthwhile?


Do people who live or work nearby know you?

Are you involved in your community?

Psychological Therapy can improve your capacity across all these domains.